Technical Iame x30 starting issue


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Kings lynn norfolk
Im having issues starting my x30 engine im on my 2nd battery and unless i use a jump start pack ether battery even fully charged dont seam to have enough to turn the engine over i only use the kart for owner driver practice so no racing so i could use a bigger battery has any one got any suggestions on batteries?
Yuasa or Exide YT7B-BS is what you want I think! Exide would be cheaper and just as good. You can also get a lithium option if you're not racing.

If there is another issue going on could be worth getting the engine checked over depending on the hours you have on it.

Does it turn over but not fire or is it slowly turning over or not turning, just clicking sort of thing
Does it turn over but not fire or is it slowly turning over or not turning, just clicking sort of thing
Its like the battery doesn't have enough amps as im using a yuasa 6.5 battery it will just spin the bendix wont turn the engine as a test im using 2x batteries joined to together not 24v but in series this helps but not perfect im thinking on trying a exide battery when funds allow
Have you rebuilt the starter motor?
Have you rebuilt the starter motor?
Starter motor hasnt been touched seams ok but im no expert ive used the kart and its been a pain then it starts straight up im thinking on trying a new one
Starter motor hasnt been touched seams ok but im no expert ive used the kart and its been a pain then it starts straight up im thinking on trying a new one
Have you found a solution to this?

I have the same exact problem, I turn on the ignition key and the starter motor spins but the bendix doesnt engage with the flywheel.

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