Technical Honda cadet chassis GX200/GX160


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Honda Cadet
Hi all,

My 9yo son has been doing indoor karting for just over a year and (mostly indoor) rental racing for about 9 months.
We're ready to give owner-driver a go and are considering Honda Cadet, which is raced at a nearby track (Hooton Park) with GX200 engines.

So we're looking for a second-hand kart.
Most of the karts that I see for sale online have the GX160 engine. It seems to me from some online browsing (complete noob) that the GX200 engine is cheaper to buy and run and I can afford to buy one if needed.

Are the engines interchangeable, or are there adjustments needed to the mounts or other installation, or are the chassis completely different for the two engines?

Kind regards,
The two engines are identical for installation purposes.
As you are no doubt aware Hooton park IKR run the sealed GX 200 extreme engines from RPM engines. Hooton IKR rules state that chassis must be MSUK cadet homologated and presumably not 'out of date'.
Thanks John.

Regarding the homologation, the current valid chassis are listed in Appendix 1 of the Gold Book, but presumably there will be a new version next year?

Looking at the homologation information here ( Resource Centre - Motorsport UK ) (then searched on "chassis"), the 2014 year chassis look like they become invalid after 31 Dec 2022. If that's correct, I'll need one from the 2017 or 2020 homologation. Am I understanding it correctly?
Thanks John.

Regarding the homologation, the current valid chassis are listed in Appendix 1 of the Gold Book, but presumably there will be a new version next year?

Looking at the homologation information here ( Resource Centre - Motorsport UK ) (then searched on "chassis"), the 2014 year chassis look like they become invalid after 31 Dec 2022. If that's correct, I'll need one from the 2017 or 2020 homologation. Am I understanding it correctly?
Yes. That would be my interpretation. You want a chassis with homologation plate in the form xx/CAD/25 or xx/CAD/28. Whether Hooton IKR would turn you away with an earlier chassis I don't know.
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Cadet chassis will be changing to mostly 950mm wheelbase next year, so I'd hang fire for a couple of months if you can depending on your budget. GX160s are also being phased out from what I've read, in favour of GX200s. The cadet specs will be uprated to the R200 which is essentially a new carb and intake, achieving in the region of 11hp as opposed to approx 8hp currently. The 160s have come down massively in price the last couple of months because of this. Previous 7.4+ mean engines were changing hands for north of ยฃ10k, where they can be had for 1/5 of that now. The current GX200s can be had new from RPM for around ยฃ850, with second hand ones between ยฃ400-500. I imagine they can also be sent back to RPM for upgrade to the R versions, though I'm yet to hear if that's true but they do use the same block and head I believe.
Just remember the gx200 with its extra weight and power wears the chassis quicker as well so keep an eye on your frame on the brake side as they can snap there with the 200.

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